Autumn | verses

I found everything about people funny, hilarious. But there were certain things that i’d find myself smiling, smirking, in stitches for hours over. Awkwardness gave me a high, the way people stood, the way people scratched an itch on their nose. and innocence was a big one, I found innocence the most funny of all, a quick side-ways glance, the “what do you mean?” face, I couldn't tell them what I meant, i’d just laugh and laugh. There was something deeply unsettling about this, I was mocking them for not understanding my private joke, laughing at them instead and never revealing what I meant, I looked more innocent than anyone in the room, but in fact, I just couldn't deal with how stupid we all were, the way peoples hands awkwardly reached inside their pockets, the way their heads cocked, the socks they chose. People are deeply deeply funny and when you see that you realise two things, that life was designed to be a comedy, a comedy show that went horribly horribly wrong, and it went wrong because everyone was laughing, but no one told each other why  

summer | verses

only seabirds fall in love | poetry series (4)